Call for Youth Groups & Volunteers for Founders Day
Interested in leading an educational activity to promote mental health & suicide prevention?
Young adults helping young adults can play a crucial role in ending death by suicide. Your club or group is invited to design a fun and meaningful activity to lead at Founders’ Day!
Download Youth Groups Invite Flyer –>
More Detailed Information –>
There are a number of ways you can get involved and support our efforts at the Bethany Anne Galdes Foundation:
Join A Committee
- Public Policy Committee
The purpose of the Public Policy Committee is to advocate for the changing of law to support inpatient treatment, focused on evidence-based, depression-specific therapy be provided to any person suffering from depression. Additionally, the Public Policy Committee will work to ensure that parents and young adults have alternative options to hospitalization in crisis situations.
- Prayer Committee
The purpose of the Prayer Committee is to pray for healing and health of all involved with the Bethany Anne Galdes Foundation and to pray for the God to guide the decisions and actions of the board and the development of the foundation as we work to be of service to God and His plans.
- Events Committee
The purpose of the events committee is to execute events that will help to provide awareness and support to the BAG Foundation efforts. Additionally, the committee will plan and execute campaigns to promote exercise, nutrition, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other interventions proven to lower the impacts of depression.
- Grants Committee
The purpose of the grants committee is to identify, apply, and manage external grant funding that will assist the BAG foundation in achieving its vision and mission.
- Research Committee
The purpose of the research committee will be to identify and collect information on depression research, alternative treatments, changes to the health care system as it relates to depression, and stay on top of industry and health care trends as it relates to depression and treatments.
- Development/Fundraising Committee
The purpose of the Development/Fundraising Committee is to identify opportunities to raise funds that will support the Bethany House and other elements of the BAG Foundation’s mission and vision.

Thank you to our corporate supporters, individual patrons, family, and friends who have donated their time, treasure, and talents to our help us accomplish our mission. You honor Bethany, as well as the millions of young adults who suffer from depression. From the bottom of our hearts, the Bethany Anne Galdes Foundation thanks you.